Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sweet Owl

This is just a sweet little owl I recreated for a party I went to where I showed some ladies how I do my art, and how they can also create their own art for their kiddos rooms, themselves, etc. I found a picture like this on a website, not sure of the name, but it was a website for kids rooms, decoration, etc. I like to find things that inspire me and then recreate them and put my own little spin on them:) This one is for sale if anyone wants it, just leave a comment - first come, first served!


  1. So very sweet, my hubby loves Owls...but on a tight budget. Caregiver of disabled Vet. I also cruise art online and try to recreate, like the idea of 'own spin'...really cute. Wonder 'Who' will win it...p.s.(just a look-see/how much?)
    Come Visit...Our Front Porch, Ana :)

  2. Ana, I usually sell this size of a painting anywhere from $35 to $65, thanks for checking out my site!
